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Too old for this s*** the Workshop (female)

This workshop is based on the creation ‘Too Old For This S***', a multi-generational dance theater creation performed by a cast of 7 women and one girl. Since the beginning of the research, Rachel has hosted open workshops for women of all ages. Over these workshops, she has met over 90 women, ranging from 9-year-olds to women in the 80’s, with a wide range of backgrounds. 

The women were asked to improvise through movement and text, play games together, engage in movement and choreographic creative tasks, writing exercises and many discussions. These workshops were fun, at times silly, emotional, supportive, and refreshing. 

Rachel is interested in exploring how different ages interact with each other, discuss ideas and create material prompted by the same stimulus.
Using the themes raised in the work ‘Too Old For This S***’, Rachel shares her research through movement exercises that encourage the participants to find their creative and choreographic voice regardless of previous experience or physical fitness level. 

This workshop is modular and can be presented as a series or weekend intensive (The Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv) or a residency in which Rachel works with a group of local women and then presents the research in a studio performance (Fabrik Potsdam, Germany, Summer 2021).

Check out- Too old for this s*** in Potsdam


Too old for this s*** the Workshop (male)

This workshop is based on the creation ‘Too Old For This S***', a multi-generational dance theater creation performed by a cast of 7 women and one girl. In the coming season,  Rachel is set to host the first Too old for this s*** the workshop for men. In these meetings, Rachel and the participants will explore the impact of aging on men, how it affects them physically, emotionally and mentally. The sessions will explore group dynamics, intergenerational relationships and communication between men. This workshop is modular and can be presented as a series or weekend intensive (The Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv) or a residency in which Rachel works with a group of local women and then presents the research in a studio performance (Fabrik Potsdam, Germany, Summer 2021).

We will be happy to hear from you regarding collaboration and co production opportunities:

The Fat Project

Rachel’s newest creative process looks at weight, putting performers who feel they are “too large to be on stage” in the limelight. This is not a fitness class, nor a body positive group, it is a series of workshops that center around the larger body in all its complexities. As a choreographer who weighs almost 100 kilos, Rachel has never quite fit into the traditional dance mold even though she has been creating work and teaching for two decades. For a long time, Rachel experienced a disconnect from her body however that changed dramatically during and since pregnancy. Her body became a home, a comfort to another person, a person who does not care that she is soft and squishy. However she wishes she cared a little bit less.

The research in the studio will begin with the following questions:

Why are we made to apologize for the space we take up?

Why is shrinking considered a good thing?

Why is weight in terms of too much or too little such a key part of one’s self worth?

How is changing oneself connected to self acceptance? 

Is putting someone larger on stage a political statement?

Body positivity and body shaming on stage and off.


Questions, questions, questions

This workshop is based on the creation Q&A. This work is based on Arthur Aron’s ‘36 Questions That Lead to Love’. It premiered in 2017 and has been in her company’s repertoire since. During the sessions, Rachel gives the participants a glimpse into the choreographic process involved in creating this work, inviting them to experience the questions and workshop how they would answer them. Thanks to her extensive experience with this questionnaire, Rachel is able to tailor the workshop to suit a wide array of age groups, from preteens to adults. This workshop is modular and can be offered as a single meeting (Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Parisl) or a week-long intensive (Kinitiras dance space, Athens Greece)


Q&A online

At the beginning of July 2020, Rachel launched an online experiment as part of the Iceland Fringe Festival. Due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions, the company was not able to fly for live performances in Reykjavik, and instead adapted the work into an online experiment where strangers were encouraged to meet online and do the 36 questions together. The result was overwhelmingly positive. 

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